Short-term certificates of deposit

2. Short-term certificates of deposit

Overview: Certificates of deposit, or CDs, are issued by banks and generally offer a higher interest rate than savings accounts. And short-term CDs may be better options when you expect rates to rise, allowing you to re-invest at higher rates when the CD matures.

Who are they good for? Because of their safety and higher payouts, CDs can be a good choice for retirees who don’t need immediate income and are able to lock up their money for a little bit. A CD works well for risk-averse investors, especially those who need money at a specific time and can tie up their cash in exchange for a bit more yield than they’d find on a savings account.

Risks: CDs are considered safe investments. But they do carry reinvestment risk — the risk that when interest rates fall, investors will earn less when they reinvest principal and interest in new CDs with lower rates, as we saw in 2020 and 2021.

The opposite risk is that rates will rise and investors won’t be able to take advantage because they’ve already locked their money into a CD. And with rates expected to rise even further in 2023, it may make sense to stick to short-term CDs, so that you can reinvest at higher rates in the near future.

It’s important to note that inflation and taxes could significantly erode the purchasing power of your investment.

Rewards: With a CD, the financial institution pays you interest at regular intervals. Once it matures, you get your original principal back plus any accrued interest.

Where to get them: Bankrate’s list of best CD rates will help you find the best rate across the nation, instead of having to rely on what’s available only in your local area.

Alternatively, banks and credit unions typically offer CDs, though you’re not likely to find the best rate locally.

Below are the list of the 10 best investments in 2023: CLICK each link to read into details

1. High-yield savings accounts

2. Short-term certificates of deposit

3. Series I bonds

4. Short-term corporate bond funds

5. Dividend stock funds

6. Value stock funds

7. REIT index funds

8. S&P 500 index funds

9. Nasdaq-100 index funds

10. Rental housing

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